You might recall my Bento Box Christmas Quilt posts from this summer. I assumed the BBCQ would be complete by now. Well, I had a visit from family, trips to Montreal, Portland, New York, and Houston, and two classes (Flash and Pattern Drafting) at Massachusetts College of Art and Design (which I have yet to write about)... Oh and let's not forget about work.... November 1st rolled around and I realized I had not started my quilt! Well, I have been working on it. I washed and ironed the fabric... good...
Thankfully, I have EQ6 to help me design the quilt before I start cutting the fabric. I scanned the fabrics and imported them into EQ6. I then drew the bento box block by hand. From there, I colored in blocks and then created a 3x3 quilt. After creating a quilt, you can go in and color any of the shapes or replace entire blocks. Above is one of the many permutations I generated using EQ6. Whatcha think? I like this. It's more orderly than the random ones I've done.
A couple of drawbacks are that the larger print (bottom row, middle) didn't scale so well. I wasn't patient enough to make it look good with the other fabrics. Also, several of the fabrics are metallic, but that doesn't show through at all. So, the quilt should look much more vibrant in person.
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